Google Home Guides

What are Google Home Guides about?

Google Home Guides offer the best guides, tips and tricks for Google Home users.

It is a community for Google Home owners to help other owners.

Many owners of Google Home may have questions or encounter some issues in using Google Home, although it is designed to be user-friendly.

Google Home Guides offer the best guides, tips and tricks for Google Home users.

List of recent Google Home guides

Here is the list of most recent Google Home guides. The complete list of Galaxy Home guides can be found in Google Home Guides.

Google Home Guides

Nest Audio vs Google Home: new features and improvements


After 4 years, Google finally updated the iconical cylindrical Google Home with a bigger and lounder Nest Audio in 2020.  So, the question for many existing users of Google Home is the comparison of Nest Audio vs Google Home

This Google Home guide explains the new features and improvements of Nest Audio vs Google Home to help you understand whether you should “upgrade” your Google Home, or whether Nest Audio is the right smart speaker for you.

The comparison of Nest Audio and Google Nest Mini (Google Home Mini 2nd Gen) is covered in this post (coming soon).

Before we explore the new features and improvements of Nest Audio (vs Google Home), let’s check what has not been changed (i.e., the shared features).

Nest Audio vs Google Home: what are NOT changed?

As a successor to Google Home, Nest Audio share some identical or similar features with its predecessor. This part highlights the common features of these two smart speakers.

Similar software

Both Google Home and Nest Audio share a similar software package. Google Assistant works in an identical way.

The setup and customization are also almost identical. This means existing owners of Google Home will have nothing … Read the rest

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How to adjust the equalizer (EQ) of Google Home, Google Home Mini and Google Home Max?


Google allows you to adjust the equalizer (EQ) of Google Home, Google Home Mini, and Google Home Max with the Google Home app.

You can boost or cut the bass and treble for your Google Home devices to get desired audio effects.

This Google Home guide explains what an equalizer is, when you may want to adjust the equalizer of Google Home, Google Home Mini (including Google Nest Mini),  and Google Home Max, and how to adjust the EQ for your Google Home devices.

What is equalizer (EQ)?

In a nutshell, an equalizer boosts or cuts specific ranges of the frequency of your audio without distorting it.

For example, when you use an equalizer to boost the bass (low-frequency range), the low-frequency audio signal becomes louder. A good equalizer will deliver the desired loudness of the bass. At the same time,  the change of the loudness keeps smooth so that the audio is not distorted (i.e., unbalanced).

When speakers or headphones leave factories, the manufacturer usually tunes the hardware so that the best audio quality can be achieved for most users.

High quality usually means balanced responses of all frequencies. Some audiophiles can tell you immediately whether the audio … Read the rest

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Google Nest Mini vs Home Mini: what’s new and what’s not changed?


In the Made by Google 2019 event on October 15, 2019, Google released an updated version of Google Home Mini under the name of Google Nest Mini (2nd Gen).

Google started to brand their smart home devices under Nest in 2018. Google Home Mini actually is the last Google Home device getting the Nest brand.

As the 2nd generation of Google Home Mini, many owners and potential buyers want to know the differences and improvements of Google Next Mini (2nd Gen).

This Google Home guide compares Google Nest Mini vs Home Mini and explains the new features and some unchanged features.

The layout of Google Nest Mini (Google Home Mini 2nd Gen) can be found here.

Google Nest Mini vs Home Mini: what’s not changed?

Google Nest Mini (2nd Gen) looks like the Google Home Mini. There are many unchanged features/design.

Price ($49)

Google Nest Mini has an identical price tag ($49) as Google Home Mini. It is one of the most affordable smart speakers in the market.

Similar to other Google smart speakers, Google (and some retailers) will very likely try to give you a free Google Nest Mini when you purchase some other products.

Some … Read the rest

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Google Home Mini layout and buttons


Compared to Google Home, Google Home Mini is not just smaller or cheaper. Google Home Mini layout and buttons are also different from those of Google Home.

Although Googe Home, Google Home Mini and Google Home Max all have almost identical functions and features, Google Home Mini layout is substantially different from that of Google Home (and Google Home Max).

As explained in this guide, the look of Google Home and Google Home Mini is different:

  • Google Home Mini is smaller;
  • Google Home Mini does not have a removable base.
  • Google Home Mini does not have a USB port at the bottom.
  • Google Home Mini uses a different top touch panel.

The difference between the Google Home Mini layout and buttons and those of Google Home was not discussed.

In this guide, the Google Home Mini layout and buttons will be shown and explained so that you can use Google Home Mini easily.

Please note, this guide is for the 1st generation of Google Home Mini, which is slightly different from Google Nest Mini (2nd Gen Google Home Mini) as explained in this guide.  For the layout of the 2nd Gen Google Home Mini (Google nest mini), please … Read the rest

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Google Home layout and buttons


Although Google Home can do so many things after setting up Google Home, it only has one button.  Most of the controls are achieved through voice.

The touch panel and LED colour also play an important role in using Google Home.

This guide will show you Google Home layout, functions of individual parts and how to change the base of Google Home.

Please note, Google Home layout and buttons are different from those of Google Home Mini (including Google Nest Mini), Google Home Max, Nest Audio (2nd Gen Google Home).

For owners of Google Home Mini, please check Google Home Mini layout and buttons page. Google Nest Mini layout was explained in this guide, and Nest Audio layout in this guide.

Google Home layout: front and top view

Front and top view of Google Home is shown below.

In front of Google Home, actually, there is nothing.

In the top of Google Home, you can find:

  • A touch panel.
  • LED indicators (LED lights).
  • Two microphones

A touch panel

The entire top surface of Google Home is a touch panel. You can swipe clockwise to increase the volume and anticlockwise to reduce the volume.

You can … Read the rest

The post Google Home layout and buttons appeared first on Google Home Guides.

Google Home Mini vs Google Home


In Google I/O 2017, Google Home Mini and Google Home Max were introduced to the Google Home family.

So, there are 3 products under the Google Home line: Home, Mini and Max.

Google Home Mini was released in October 2017. Google Home Max will be released in December 2017.

So, many potential Google Home users are wondering the difference between Google Home Mini and Google Home. They need some recommendation on whether they should get a Google Home or a Google Home Mini.

This Google Home Mini guide tries to explain the difference between Google Home and Google Home Mini to help you decide whether you should get Google Home or Google Home Mini.

Please note, the second generation of Google Home was released as Nest Audio, and the 2nd Gen Google Home Mini as Nest Mini.

Google Home Mini vs Google Home: size matters

As suggested by the name, Google Home Mini is a mini version of Google Home.

The size of Google Home Mini is substantially smaller than Google Home.  The height of Google Home Mini is only about 42 mm (1.65 inches). In comparison, Google Home is about 142.8 mm (5.62 inches) high. The diameter … Read the rest

The post Google Home Mini vs Google Home appeared first on Google Home Guides.

About Google Home Guides


About Google Home Guides community

Google Home is a revolutionary product powered by Google Assistant.

The family of Google Home family is expanding: Google Home, Google Home Mini, Google Home Max, Google Home Hub (Nest Hub), Google Next Hub Max, Google Nest Mini (2nd Gen of Google Home Mini), and Nest Audio.

Many owners of Google Home devices may have questions or encounter some issues in using Google Home, although it is designed to be user-friendly.

Google Home Guides offer the best guides, tips, and tricks for owners of Google Home.

It is a community for owners of Google Home devices to help other owners.

We are NOT affiliated with Google by any means. So, if you have any warranty issues, please contact the seller or Google directly

List of Google Home Guides

Google Home Guides will cover everything on Google Home smart speakers (Google Home, Home Mini, Home Max, Nest Home Mini, and Nest Audio) and smart display (Google Home Hub, Nest Hub, Nest Hub Max) through the following five sections.

Please note, new Google Home guides are regularly released after they are tested.

So, if you cannot find the guides you need, you may check … Read the rest

The post About Google Home Guides appeared first on Google Home Guides.

How to adjust alarm volume and timer volume in Google Home, Google Home Mini, Nest Audio and Google Home Max?


Occasionally, you may feel the alarm or timer is too loud and want to adjust the alarm volume or timer volume in Google Home, Google Home Mini (including Google Nest Mini, aka Google Home Mini 2nd Gen), Google Home Max, or Nest Audio (2nd Gen of Google Home).

But you may find that you cannot adjust alarm volume and timer volume through touch panel in all Google Home devices (Google Home, Google Home Mini, Google Home Max, Nest Home Mini, and Nest Audio).

You cannot change the volume for alarms and timers with your voice command (Google Assistant) either, as explained in this guide.

Then how to adjust alarm volume and timer volume in Google Home, Google Home Mini, Google Home Max, Google Home Mini 2nd Gen (Nest Home Mini) and Nest Audio?

This Google Home how-to guide shows you how to adjust alarm volume and timer volume in Google Home devices through Google Home app.

This guide applies to all Google Home devices: Google Home, Google Home Mini, Google Nest Mini (Google Home Mini 2nd Gen), Google Home Max, and Nest Audio.

Where are the controls for the alarm volume and timer volume in Google

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The post How to adjust alarm volume and timer volume in Google Home, Google Home Mini, Nest Audio and Google Home Max? appeared first on Google Home Guides.

Nest Hub Guides


Google Home Hub, Nest Hub,  Nest Hub Max, and Nest Hub 2nd Gen are Google’s answer to smart display demands. Nest Hub guides help you get the most from the smart display devices.

Unlike Google Home speakers (Google Home, Google Home Mini, Google Home Max, Google Nest Mini, and Nest Audio), the smart display device has a 7″ (or 10″ for Nest Hub Max) display, which offers an additional stream of information.

Of course, they also share many similar or even identical features. For example, the Google Home app is used to manage both smart speakers and smart displays.

So, we group the how-to guides, especially for Nest Hub and publish them here.

About Nest Hub Guides

Nest Hub guides on this page help you understand and use Google smart display devices.

All Nest Hub guides not only demonstrate how to use some specific features with detailed step-by-step illustrations but also offer in-depth (yet easy to understand) explanations of the features and underlying technologies.

The Nest Hub guides cover all generations of Google smart display devices, including Google Home Hub, Nest Hub, Nest Hub Max, and Nest Hub 2nd Gen.

Some features are limited … Read the rest

The post Nest Hub Guides appeared first on Google Home Guides.

How to reset Google Home Mini?


You can reset Google Home Mini by holding the reset button in the bottom of Google Home Mini.

After factory data resetting of Google Home Mini, you can then set it up as a new Google Home device with Google Home App.

The way to reset Google Home Mini is different from that for Google Home.

In Google Home, you can hold the microphone button to reset Google Home. But in Google Home Mini,  microphone button was replaced with a microphone switch, and a reset button was added.

This Google Home Mini guide explains to you when you may need to reset Google Home Mini, how to reset Google Home Mini and how to check whether you reset Google Home Mini successfully.

For Google Home owners, please check this guide on how to reset it.

Please note, the 2nd gen of Google Home Mini (Google Nest Mini) does NOT have a reset button. You have to hold the touch panel to reset Google Nest Mini (Google Home Mini 2nd Gen) as explained in detail in this guide.

So, this guide only applies to the 1st Gen Google Home Mini. It is not applicable to … Read the rest

The post How to reset Google Home Mini? appeared first on Google Home Guides.

Enjoy your Google Home.