Official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manuals

The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual (user guide)  in more than 4o languages cover all aspects of using and customizing Galaxy S10, S10e, S10,+ and S10 5G.

You can read these Galaxy S10 user manuals online, or download the PDF file to your phone or PC.

How to download and read the official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manuals?

If you want to read the Galaxy S10 user manual online, you can simply click the link to read it in your browser.

It is recommended to download a copy of the official Galaxy S10 user manual to your phone when you are using WiFi.

You can read the downloaded Galaxy S10 user manuals (in PDF format) at any time with a PDF reader on your phone or your PC (download the official PDF Reader for PC).

Of course, if you want, you can also print it out.

The differences between our how-to guides and the official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manuals

The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual (user guides) complement our Galaxy S10 how-to guides.

The difference between our Galaxy S10 how-t0 guides (including Galaxy S10 new features guides, camera guides, accessories guides) and the official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manuals include:

  • Our How-to guides all include very detailed steps including screenshots and easy to follow. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manuals usually only “touch” these features for your reference.
  • Our how-to guides usually include some background and extended information related to the feature or function discussed.  The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manuals seldom explain why and show variations.
  • Our how-to guides also cover how to use some Galax S10 accessories. The official Galaxy S10 user guides do not include them.
  • The official S10 user manuals are in different languages. You can find the one for your region. Our how-to guides are in English only.

Of course, both our how-to guides and the official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manuals are free.

How to download the correct official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual for my Galaxy S10?

First, there are 4 Galaxy S10 models with slightly different specifications. Some features are only in some of them.

Second, in each region, some settings and pre-installed apps may be slightly different.  Some carriers may also add a few apps and a few icons.

The most important is your region (and carrier if you are using a carrier-specific Galaxy S10).

Anyway, in the list of official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual, we will highlight the model, language and region (or carrier).

List of the official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manuals

The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manuals will be available on March 8. 2019.

#1. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (UK) for the international versions of Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, UK English, SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in English language (UK)  is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in the international market including Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If you cannot find the Galaxy 10 user guide in your language for your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e, you may try this one.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (UK) for the international versions of Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, UK English, SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia)

#2. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Swedish Language (svenska) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Swedish Language (svenska), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Sweden)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Swedish Language (svenska) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Sweden with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Sweden, this Swedish Language (svenska) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10e, or S10+, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Swedish Language (svenska) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Sweden with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

#3. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Norwegian language (norsk) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Norwegian language (norsk), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Norway)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Norwegian language (norsk) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Norway with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Norway, this Norwegian language (norsk) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Norwegian language (norsk) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Norwegian language (norsk), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Norway)

#4. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Finnish Language (Suomen kieli) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Finnish Language (Suomen kieli), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Finland)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Finnish Language (Suomen kieli) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Finland with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Finland, this Finnish Language (Suomen kieli) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Finnish Language (Suomen kieli) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Finnish Language (Suomen kieli), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Finland)

#5. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Russian language (русский язык) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Russian language (русский язык), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Russia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Russian language (русский язык) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Russia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Russia, this Russian language (русский язык) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Russian language (русский язык) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Russian language (русский язык), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Russia)

#6. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Ukrainian language (українська мова ukrayins’ka mova) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Ukrainian language (українська мова ukrayins’ka mova), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Ukraine)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Ukrainian language (українська мова ukrayins’ka mova) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Ukraine with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Ukraine, this Ukrainian language (українська мова ukrayins’ka mova) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Ukrainian language (українська мова ukrayins’ka mova) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Ukrainian language (українська мова ukrayins’ka mova), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Ukraine)

#7. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Turkish language (Türkçe) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Turkish language (Türkçe), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Turkey)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Turkish language (Türkçe) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Turkey with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Turkey, this Turkish language (Türkçe) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Turkish language (Türkçe) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Turkish language (Türkçe), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Turkey)

#8. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Dutch language (Nederlands) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Dutch language (Nederlands), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Netherlands)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Dutch language (Nederlands) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in the Netherlands with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in the Netherlands, this Dutch language (Nederlands) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Dutch language (Nederlands) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Dutch language (Nederlands) , SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Netherlands)

#9. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the French language (le français) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, French language (le français), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, France)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the French language (le français) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in France with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in France, this French language (le français) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the French language (le français) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, French language (le français), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, France)

#10. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the German language (Deutsch) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, German language (Deutsch), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Germany)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the German language (Deutsch) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Germany with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Germany, this German language (Deutsch) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the German language (Deutsch) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, German language (Deutsch), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Germany)

#11. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Portuguese language (português) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Portuguese language (português), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Portugal)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Portuguese language (português) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Portugal with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Portugal, this Portuguese language (português) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Portuguese language (português) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Portuguese language (português), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Portugal)

#12. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Slovak language (slovenčina, slovenský jazyk) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Slovak language (slovenčina, slovenský jazyk), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Slovakia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Slovak language (slovenčina, slovenský jazyk) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Slovakia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Slovakia, this Slovak language (slovenčina, slovenský jazyk) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Slovak language (slovenčina, slovenský jazyk) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Slovak language (slovenčina, slovenský jazyk), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Slovakia)

#13. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Canadian English Language for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Canadian English Language, SM-G970W, SM-G973W, SM-G975W, Canada)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Canadian English Language is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Canada with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970W, SM-G973W, and SM-G975W.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Canada, this Canadian English Language version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Canadian English Language for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Canadian English Language, SM-G970W, SM-G973W, SM-G975W, Canada)

#14. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Canadian French Language (français canadien) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Canadian French Language (français canadien), SM-G970W, SM-G973W, SM-G975W, Canada)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Canadian French Language (français canadien) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Canada with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970W, SM-G973W, and SM-G975W.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Canada, this Canadian French Language (français canadien) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Canadian French Language (français canadien) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Canadian French Language (français canadien), SM-G970W, SM-G973W, SM-G975W, Canada)

#15. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Vietnamese language (Tiếng Việt) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Vietnamese language (Tiếng Việt), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Vietnam)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Vietnamese language (Tiếng Việt) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Vietnam with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Vietnam, this Vietnamese language (Tiếng Việt) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Vietnamese language (Tiếng Việt) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Vietnamese language (Tiếng Việt), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Vietnam)

#16. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Simplified Chinese language (简体中文) for the international versions of Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Simplified Chinese language (简体中文), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia except for mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in Simplified Chinese language (简体中文) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in the international market including Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia except for mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If you cannot find the Galaxy 10 user guide in your language for your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e, you may try this one.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Simplified Chinese language (简体中文) for the international versions of Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, Simplified Chinese language (简体中文), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia except for mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan)

#17. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Bengali language (বাংলা) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Bengali language (বাংলা), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Bangladesh and India)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the the Bengali language (বাংলা) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Bangladesh and India with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Bangladesh and India, this Bengali language (বাংলা) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Bengali language (বাংলা) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Bengali language (বাংলা), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Bangladesh and India)

#18. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Hindi (Hindustani) language (हिन्दी) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Hindi (Hindustani) language (हिन्दी), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, India)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Hindi (Hindustani) language (हिन्दी) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in India with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.


If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in India, this Hindi (Hindustani) language (हिन्दी) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Hindi (Hindustani) language (हिन्दी) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Hindi (Hindustani) language (हिन्दी), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, India)

#19. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Indonesian language(Bahasa Indonesia) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Indonesian language(Bahasa Indonesia), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Indonesia and Malaysia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Indonesian language(Bahasa Indonesia) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Indonesia and Malaysia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Indonesia and Malaysia, this Indonesian language(Bahasa Indonesia) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Indonesian language(Bahasa Indonesia) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Indonesian language(Bahasa Indonesia), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Indonesia and Malaysia)

#20. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Brazil)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Brazil with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Brazil, this Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Brazilian Portuguese (português do Brasil), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Brazil)

#21. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Japanese language (日本語 Nihongo) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Japanese language (日本語 Nihongo), SCV41, SCV42, Japan)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Japanese language (日本語 Nihongo) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Japan with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is Galaxy S10 SCV41 and SCV42.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Japan, this Japanese language (日本語 Nihongo) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Japanese language (日本語 Nihongo) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Japanese language (日本語 Nihongo), SCV41, SCV42, Japan)

#22. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the traditional Chinese language (正體中文) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the traditional Chinese language (正體中文), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Taiwan and Hong Kong)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the traditional Chinese language (正體中文) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Taiwan and Hong Kong with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Taiwan and Hong Kong, this traditional Chinese language (正體中文) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the traditional Chinese language (正體中文) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the traditional Chinese language (正體中文), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Taiwan and Hong Kong)

#23. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Greek language (ελληνικά) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Greek language (ελληνικά), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Greece)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Greek language (ελληνικά) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Greece with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Greece, this Greek language (ελληνικά) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Greek language (ελληνικά) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Greek language (ελληνικά), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Greece)

#24. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Czech language (čeština, český jazyk) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Czech language (čeština, český jazyk), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, the Czech Republic)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Czech language (čeština, český jazyk) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in the Czech Republic with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in the Czech Republic, this Czech language (čeština, český jazyk) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Czech language (čeština, český jazyk) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Czech language (čeština, český jazyk), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, the Czech Republic)

#25. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Hungarian language (magyar) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Hungarian language (magyar), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Hungary)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Hungarian language (magyar) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Hungary with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Hungary, this Hungarian language (magyar) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Hungarian language (magyar) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Hungarian language (magyar), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Hungary)

#26. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Polish language (język polski) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Polish language (język polski), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Poland)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Polish language (język polski) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Poland with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Poland, this Polish language (język polski) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Polish language (język polski) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Polish language (język polski), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Poland)

#27. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Slovenia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Slovenia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Slovenia, this Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Slovenia)

#28. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Estonian language (eesti keel) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Estonian language (eesti keel), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Estonia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Estonian language (eesti keel) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Estonia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Estonia, this Estonian language (eesti keel) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Estonian language (eesti keel) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Estonian language (eesti keel), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Estonia)

#29. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Lithuanian language (lietuvių kalba) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Lithuanian language (lietuvių kalba), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Lithuania)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Lithuanian language (lietuvių kalba) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Lithuania with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Lithuania, this Lithuanian language (lietuvių kalba) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Lithuanian language (lietuvių kalba) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Lithuanian language (lietuvių kalba), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Lithuania

#30. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Latvian language (Latviešu Valoda) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Latvian language (Latviešu Valoda), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Latvia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Latvian language (Latviešu Valoda) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Latvia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Latvia, this Latvian language (Latviešu Valoda) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Latvian language (Latviešu Valoda) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Latvian language (Latviešu Valoda), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Latvia)

#31. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Spanish language (español) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Spanish language (español), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Spain)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Spanish language (español) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Spain with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Spain, this Spanish language (español) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Spanish language (español) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Spanish language (español), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Spain)

#32. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Hebrew language (עברית ʿIvrit) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Hebrew language (עברית ʿIvrit), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Israel)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Hebrew language (עברית ʿIvrit) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Israel with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Israel, this Hebrew language (עברית ʿIvrit) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Hebrew language (עברית ʿIvrit) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Hebrew language (עברית ʿIvrit), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Israel)

#33. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Romanian language (limba română) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Romanian language (limba română), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Romania)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Romanian language (limba română) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Romania with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Romania, this Romanian language (limba română) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Romanian language (limba română) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Romanian language (limba română), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Romania)

#34. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Italian Language (Lingua italiana) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Italian Language (Lingua italiana), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Italy)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Italian Language (Lingua italiana) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Italy with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Italy, this Italian Language (Lingua italiana) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Italian Language (Lingua italiana) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Italian Language (Lingua italiana), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Italy)

#35. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Croatian language (hrvatski) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Croatian language (hrvatski), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Croatia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Croatian language (hrvatski) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Croatia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Croatia, this Croatian language (hrvatski) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Croatian language (hrvatski) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Croatian language (hrvatski), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Croatia)

#36. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Macedonian language (македонски, makedonski) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Macedonian language (македонски, makedonski), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Republic of Macedonia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Macedonian language (македонски, makedonski) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in the Republic of Macedonia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in the Republic of Macedonia, this Macedonian language (македонски, makedonski) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Macedonian language (македонски, makedonski) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Macedonian language (македонски, makedonski), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Republic of Macedonia)

#37. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Serbian language (српски/srpski) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Serbian language (српски/srpski), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Serbia)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Serbian language (српски/srpski) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in Serbia with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in Serbia, this Serbian language (српски/srpski) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Serbian language (српски/srpski) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Serbian language (српски/srpski), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, Serbia)

#38. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Arabic language (العربية/عربي al-ʻarabiyyah/ʻarabī ) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Arabic language (العربية/عربي al-ʻarabiyyah/ʻarabī ), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, the Middle East)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Arabic language (العربية/عربي al-ʻarabiyyah/ʻarabī )  is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in the Middle East with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in the Middle East, this Arabic language (العربية/عربي al-ʻarabiyyah/ʻarabī )  version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Arabic language (العربية/عربي al-ʻarabiyyah/ʻarabī )  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Arabic language (العربية/عربي al-ʻarabiyyah/ʻarabī ) , SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, the Middle East)

#39. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, the Middle East)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی)  is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in the Middle East with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in the Middle East, this Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی)  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, the Middle East)

#40. The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Korean language (한국어) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Korean language (한국어), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, South Korea)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Korean language (한국어)  is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold in South Korea with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in South Korea, this Korean language (한국어)  version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): The official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Korean language (한국어)  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Korean language (한국어), SM-G970X, SM-G973X, SM-G975X, South Korea)

#41. AT&T official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, AT&T)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold to AT&T customers in the USA with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought from AT&T in the USA, this English language (US) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): AT&T official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US)  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US) , SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, AT&T)

#42. AT&T official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Spanish language (español) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Spanish language (español), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, AT&T)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Spanish language (español)  is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold to AT&T customers in the USA with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought from AT&T in the USA, this Spanish language (español) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): AT&T official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Spanish language (español)  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Spanish language (español), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, AT&T)

#43. T-Mobile official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, T-Mobile)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold to T-Mobile customers in the USA with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought from T-Mobile in the USA, this English language (US) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): T-Mobile official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US)  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, T-Mobile)

#44. T-Mobile official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Spanish language (español) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Spanish language (español), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, T-Mobile)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Spanish language (español)  is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold to T-Mobile customers in the USA with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought from T-Mobile in the USA, this Spanish language (español) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): T-Mobile official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the Spanish language (español)  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the Spanish language (español), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, T-Mobile)

#45. Verizon official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, Verizon)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold to Verizon customers in the USA with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought from Verizon in the USA, this English language (US) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): Verizon official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US)  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, Verizon)

#46. U.S. Cellular official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, U.S. Cellular)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold to U.S. Cellular customers in the USA with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought from U.S. Cellular in the USA, this English language (US) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): U.S. Cellular official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US)  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, U.S. Cellular)

#47. Official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, USA, no carrier)

This official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US) is for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e sold to US customers in the USA with Android Oreo 9.0. The corresponding model number is SM-G970F,  SM-G97oF/DS, SM-G973F, SM-G973F/DS, SM-G975F, and SM-G975F/DS.

If your Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, or Galaxy S10e was not bought in the USA, this English language (US) version of Galaxy S10 user guide might be not for your Galaxy S10, S10+, or S10e, you may try the first one in the list, which is for international versions of Galaxy S10, S10+, and S10e.

Download link (in PDF): Official Samsung Galaxy S10 user manual in the English language (US)  for the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e (Android Pie 9, the English language (US), SM-G970U, SM-G973U, SM-G975U, USA, no carrier)

More languages will be added soon.

Other Galaxy S10 guides

Many other Galaxy S10 guides are organized in the following sections:

In this section, we will cover the new features of the Galaxy S10, S10+, S10e, and S10 5G.

The Galaxy S10 nee features guides will help you explore most prominent new or unique features in all 4 Galaxy S10 phones.

The guides in this section include some technical background information and step-by-step guides showing you how to use these new Galaxy S10 features.

Samsung claims the “pro-grade” cameras in Galaxy S10.  But to get the pro-grade photos, you still need to change some default settings.

For this reason, Galaxy S10 camera guides are organized in this special section from other how-to guides.

Galaxy S10 camera guides show you how to use the camera systems in Galaxy S10 to get the desired photos.

Most of the owners of Galaxy S10, S10+, S10e, S10 5G use some sorts of accessories including covers/cases, wireless chargers,  micro SD card, external USB storage, and some Bluetooth accessories.

Galaxy S10 accessories guides not only introduce and review some popular Galaxy S10 accessories but also show you how to use them.

In this section, we will cover all aspects of using Galaxy S10, S10+, S10e, and S10 5G.

You will learn from migrating to Galaxy S10, to set up and customize Galaxy S10, to use Galaxy S10 for specific tasks.

All guides in this section include a detailed step-by-step illustration on how to perform the specific task or to use a specific feature. So, everyone can easily follow the guides.

Do you have any questions about Galaxy S10 official user manuals?

If you cannot find the official Galaxy S10 user manuals in your language or for your Galaxy S10 model, please let us know in the comment box below.

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Please note, this is an owner-help-owner community. If you need official technical support or have warranty/sales related claims, please contact the vendor or Samsung directly.