Official Samsung Galaxy S22 User Manual

official Samsung Galaxy S22 user manual

The official Samsung Galaxy S22 user manual (PDF) in different languages is a must-have reference book for all Galaxy S22 owners.

You can download the PDF files or read them online from your smartphone or PC. These official Galaxy S22 user manuals are free and were prepared by Samsung. We only put them together on this page.

You can also access the HTML version of the official Samsung Galaxy S22 User Manual in Settings — Tips and user manual — User manual on your Galaxy S22, S22+, or S22 Ultra.

Compared to our Galaxy S22 how-to guides (new features guides, how-to -guides, camera guides, and accessories guides), these official Samsung Galaxy S22 user guides cover more topics without details.

Our Galaxy S22 guides are feature-focused. Each guide explains one feature and shows you how to use it. So, you can find the guide when you are not sure about a feature or when you are not sure how to achieve a specific result.

So, you can use the official Galaxy S22 user manual to complement our detailed how-to guides.

We try to include all language versions of the official user manual. But they are added in batches. So, if you cannot find the language version of the official Galaxy S22 user manual you want, you may let us know in the comment box. We will try to add it as early as we can.

Please note Galaxy S22, Galaxy S22+, and Galaxy S22 Ultra are covered in one user manual. So, these user manuals apply to three of these Galaxy S22 models. There is no separate user manual for each of them.

List of official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra

#1. The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in UK English (International, Android 12)

This official Samsung Galaxy S22 user guide in the UK English language is for Samsung Galaxy S22, S22+, S22 Ultra sold in the international market including Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia (excluding China) with Android 12. The corresponding model number is SM-S901BSM-S901B/DSSM-S901ESM-S901E/DS, SM-S906B, SM-S906B/DSSM-S906E, SM-S906E/DS, SM-S908B, SM-S908B/DS, SM-S908E, SM-S908E/DS.

If you cannot find the Galaxy 22 user guide in your language for your Galaxy S22, Galaxy S22+, or Galaxy S22 Ultra, you may try this one.

Please note, if you bought Galaxy S22 in the US, Canada, or China, this manual might not be applicable.

Download or read this user manual (in PDF)The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in UK English (International, Android 12)

#2. The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in Portuguese language (português) (Portugal, Android 12)

This official Samsung Galaxy S22 user guide in the Portuguese language (português) is for Samsung Galaxy S22, S22+, S22 Ultra sold in the Portugal market with Android 12. The corresponding model number is SM-S901E/DS, SM-S906E/DS, and SM-S908E/DS.

This Portuguese language (português) version of the user manual is for Galaxy S22 (S22, S22+, or S22 Ultra) bought in Portugal. If you bought the phone elsewhere and you want to get an English version of the manual, you may check the #1 in this list.

Download or read this user manual (in PDF): The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in Portuguese language (português) (Portugal, Android 12)

#3. The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in Polish language (język polski) (Poland, Android 12)

This official Samsung Galaxy S22 user guide in the Polish language (język Polski) is for Samsung Galaxy S22, S22+, S22 Ultra sold in the Poland

 market with Android 12. The corresponding model number is SM-S901B/DSSM-S906B/DS, and SM-S908B/DS.

This Polish language (język Polski) version of the user manual is for Galaxy S22 (S22, S22+, or S22 Ultra) bought in  Poland. If you bought the phone elsewhere and you want to get an English version of the manual, you may check the #1 in this list.

Download or read this user manual (in PDF): The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in Polish language (język Polski) (Poland, Android 12)

#4. The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in English language (US) (USA, Android 12)

This official Samsung Galaxy S22 user guide in the English language (US) is for Samsung Galaxy S22, S22+, S22 Ultra sold in the USA market with Android 12. The corresponding model number is SM-S901SM-S906, and SM-S908.

This English language (US) version of the user manual is for Galaxy S22 (S22, S22+, or S22 Ultra) bought in the USA. If you bought the phone elsewhere and you want to get an English version of the manual, you may check the #1 in this list.

Download or read this user manual (in PDF): The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in English language (US) (USA, Android 12)

#5. The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in Spanish language (español) (USA, Android 12)

This official Samsung Galaxy S22 user guide in the Spanish language (español) is for Samsung Galaxy S22, S22+, S22 Ultra sold in the USA market with Android 12. The corresponding model number is SM-S901SM-S906, and SM-S908.

This Spanish language (español) version of the user manual is for Galaxy S22 (S22, S22+, or S22 Ultra) bought in the USA. If you bought the phone elsewhere and you want to get an English version of the manual, you may check the #1 in this list.

Download or read this user manual (in PDF): The official Galaxy S22 user manual for Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra in Spanish language (español) (USA, Android 12))

#. coming soon.

Other Galaxy S22 guides

Besides the official Samsung Galaxy S22 user manuals listed above, you can find other Galaxy S22 guides on the following pages:

  • Galaxy S22 new features guides. These Galaxy S22 guides explain the new features of Galaxy S22 and show you how to use them.
  • Galaxy S22 how-to guides. Galaxy S22 how-to gudies shows you on how to uae and customize Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra to meet your needs.
  • Galaxy S22 camera guides. Galaxy S22 camera guides are camera related how-to guides that show you how to use the camera features on Galaxy S22, S22+, and S22 Ultra..
  • Galaxy S22 accessories guides. Galayx S22 accessories guides explore useful Galaxy S22 accessories and show you how to use them to protect your phone or increase your productivity (or fun).

You can always post your questions or suggestions on the comment box on relevant pages if you need help with using your Galaxy S22, S22+, or S22 Ultra.

Do you have any questions on the official Galaxy S22 user manuals?

If you have any questions about the official Galaxy S22 user manuals or cannot find the language you want, please let us know in the comment box below.

Alternatively, if you want to discuss any issues privately, you may contact us through:

We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

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